Knee Pain Specialist in Los Angeles, CA
Spectrum Medical Group
Dr. Green began his interest in the musculoskeletal system while studying Biomechanics and Kinesiology at San Diego State University. He then entered osteopathic medical school at Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine which further enhanced his knowledge of musculoskeletal disorders. After medical school he completed his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Loma Linda University Medical Center. This training emphasized restoration of function and the treatment of patients with disabilities.
The goal of his practice now is to improve his patient’s quality of life both by decreasing pain and improving function. For patients with osteoarthritis of the knees he has developed a program with a combination of joint lubrication with injections and muscular strengthening with physical therapy. He has treated many patients with arthritis of the knees in last several years with his method and helped many of them to improve their life style by having less pain, increased mobility and functions. In many cases his patints have eliminated or postponed the need for knee replacement.